genesis dayrit

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I created this blog myself

Last modified: 9/25/2024, 2:43:04 AM

I simply built a sync between my obsidian and an s3 bucket and wrote an api route on my nextjs app

It doesn’t look amazing yet, but it’s cool that you can just do that and then customize it however you want.

Like the MySpace days (aging myself) where people would add audio players, themes, bulletin games, and all sorts of different extensions.

I feel like more people will start to do this type of stuff again with the help of AI codegen.

Because why not personalize your own site the way you want?

Next up, I need to make these posts one-push-sync/update from Obsidian on my phone.

Right now I’m running a script from CLI.

But the possibility that I can now quickly build that is awesome.

Leaening to code and build your own tools gives you so much freedom!

